Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another Union Scam

Can't swing a dead cat without finding some UNION members up to no good ... this time it is Boston Police UNION members gaming the system. Hey I am all for cops making good salaries, but when a cop make $250,000, more then the Police Commissioner or the Mayor, it should be a fireable offense (oh wait, you can't fire Union folks, never mind ... carry on!) Here is the link:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Attacking Capitalism?

    Capitalism ... "true" Capitalism (where companies are unfettered by Government and free to succeed or fail on their own merits) seems to upset the Left. Cries of "that's unfair" go up when talk of CEO vs. Workers pay scales are discussed. And while I cannot argue that a lot of CEO pay has gotten ludicrous, we still have a choice. If we think Apple CEO Tim Cook's pay is way too high compared to the average Apple employee (Cook Highest paid CEO) we have the choice to not use Apple products (funny though, I didn't see all those Leftie activist types in OWS throwing down their iPhones or Mac Books while decrying Capitalism!) What kind of choice do we have if the Socialist agenda progresses and the government runs everything? If I hate Coke I can choose not to use Coke ... if I hate my local Building Inspector, I have no choice. No choice means no freedom. And no freedom is no good for anybody.
    I am all for taking the Wall Street money out of politics, and perhaps fixing some bad tax laws (namely, the whole 6000 page tax code for starters) but attacking Capitalism as an idea is like saying you hate the front part of your brain. Go ahead, destroy them both and you will still live, but see how your quality of life changes. So here is a nod to those "evil" Capitalist over at Bain ...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Union Communists?

      I am still trying to get my inside sources to give me the inside scoop on the recent "card check" criminal abusing of Home Daycare workers by the Malloy Administration and the SIEU Connecticut Governor Enacts Card Check Through Executive Order ... but in the meantime I keep hearing more and more stories about various Unions across the country and I must say, the stories are not flattering.
      I just heard a long story this morning from a former Pratt & Whitney employee from Connecticut about how not only are the Unions an obstacle to efficient and hard workers, but to hear the story you would guess it was somewhat built into the DNA of some Unions to systematically do as little work as possible. I have only come into direct contact with one Union in my line of work (Public Broadcast Union) but even then, the procedures you had to go through to accomplish the simplest task was obviously counter-productive.
    I would expand upon the anecdotal evidence that many Unions don't care about the company/government they work for, but a recent trend has caught my eye in my research that is even more disturbing then some lazy Union folks. It seems some Unions will walk hand-in-hand with Communist groups? Didn't we spend most of the 1950's hunting down and rooting out anything even suspected of having Communist ties? And this is "Progressive?" I could explain the story but the pictures from the SEIU march last May say more then I ever could SEIU drops mask, goes full commie.
   Enjoy the pictures. And as always, if there are people out there with positive Union stories, write to me and let me know, as I can't believe they are all bad (are they?)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Unions Part 1b-Dont Picket the Company, Picket your Democrats!

    Teamsters Local 1035 is on strike against Coca-Cola Bottling In East Hartford for their fourth day. "[Union Rep] Roos said the company now wants employees to share in paying the cost of their health insurance. The union wants to either maintain current health coverage with no employee premiums or get the $2.65 in raises they bargained away in the last contract." (May 17 Hartford Courant). What?
    Now, for full disclosure I am a Pepsi guy, so if Coke workers go on strike it doesn't phase me (maybe I would feel different if I couldn't get my Diet Dr.Pepper!) But re-read that sentence above from the Union rep. The Teamsters, which openly backed Obama's bid for election Teamsters Support Obama (especially after Obama promised to lift Federal probe into Teamster Corruption) are upset with rising healthcare costs?
   So let me get this straight Teamsters ... you pour millions of dollars and millions of man-hours of work into the Obama campaign, you get your wish and Obama is elected, he then enacts Obamacare which prompts insurance carriers to jack up rates (Obamacare drives up healthcare costs) and now you are upset with Coke because they want you to contribute a tiny bit extra to your healthcare which you have a direct responsibility for the raising costs?
   Wow! I am all for worker's rights but can you not see your own hypocrisy in this? You are directly responsible for rising healthcare costs but you dont want to have to pay any extra yourselves? Mighty big of you guys! Sad thing is, you will probably get your way, Coke will eventually give in to some or all of your demands and then you will take your Union dues and try and re-elect Obama. Gee, I can't understand why support for unions has been in steady decline:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Unions: Entities that exist to help themselves Part 1

    I have several friends in both public and private sector unions and I have never heard these words uttered "Thank god for my Union, they do so much for me I don't know what I would do without them!" With the exception of one friend who probably still has his job because he is union (sounds like a good thing but I will discuss why it isn't later on). There are many reasons why the numbers don't add up to Unions being for the Middle Class ... (This info is a little "dated" but still really telling). I will explain my own thoughts on the subject in several upcoming blog posts which hopefully will also include some inside information on the latest "card check" forced Unionization of home Healthcare and Daycare workers in the state CT forced unionization.
    This is just the intro, but let me leave you with a little "food for thought" ... if Unions are so great, and so helpful, why is the state of Connecticut forcing people who never asked for the "privilege" of Unionization, into Unions? And since the onset of government regulations on the 40 hour work week and safety groups like OSHA to protect workers in the workplace, aren't Unions extraineous at this point? Maybe, just maybe, Union leaders don't want "equality" and "Fairness" ... they just want their cut

Obama Should Get No Credit

Obama getting credit for the killing of Osama Bin Laden is like giving Nixon credit for Neil Armstrong landing on the moon. The inspiration and most of the groundwork for the Apollo 11 mission came well before Nixon took office, much like the operation to kill Osama had its origins under Bush. All the seal training, most of the intelligence came under Bush. Oh yeah, I forgot, we only blame Bush for the perceived "bad" things he did, anything good during his terms apparently is fair game to take credit for. So, what did Obama REALLY have to do with the attack on the Osama compound?

As tends to happen with things distributed across the internet, the origin of this original post has been lost to me, but wherever you are, take a bow!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Why Christians Should be for Gay Marriage

This is a heck of a controversial topic to start off my blog site with, but Gay Marriage is very topical at the moment so here we go. First off, in the spirit of full disclosure, as a man raised in the Catholic faith, I wasn't always this open-minded. I am not saying there is anything wrong with the Catholic faith (at least not in this post) but we all know some of the values and rules of the church haven't exactly kept up with the times and lets face it, can even be a tad hypocritical at times ...

   A little humor to lighten the mood. This comic is attributed to the great George Takei (but on the internet you never know) however it does a great job underlining how absurd certain concepts in the bible are to us humans living in the modern times. So when the "Bible Thumping" Conservatives come around quoting verse and scriptures and shouting about "Sodom and Gomorra" to make their points against gay marriage I cringe, and quite frankly, get the same queasy feeling I get when I see that scene from "There's Something About Mary" when Ben Stiller gets his "Twig and Berries" caught in his zipper! 
   The irony of this situation is, the same Religious zealots that are crying out for "family values" should indeed be tolerant at worst, and embracing at best of the idea of gay marriage! Here is my point ... first off, we all know the horrible divorce stats are in this country (if you need a reminder here you go So much for that "Until death do you part!" Heterosexual couples have already done a great job staining the sanctity of marriage already, but no one is out in front of Kim Kardashian's house with "Preserve Family Values" signs! (I hear she is going to be the next future ex-wife of Kanye West now). 
Traditional Family Values?

For the record, picking on Kim and Kanye is not a "black thing", I felt the same thing about her faux marriage Kris Humphries. Just thought I would mention that because people are very quick to play the "race card" these days ... too quick actually, but that is a post for another day.

    I can make a list of well known hetero folks who down-right spit on the "sanctity of marriage" and traditional family values but you all know what I'm talking about so I wont belabor the point.
    Still not convinced? Lets then talk about the growing trend of welfare cheats who live with their "baby-mammas" but do not ever get married because that would cut into their "free money!"
     Now don't get me wrong, I am all for helping out those who need money (temporarily) to feed their kids and pay their bills. But there are stories all the time of folks "gaming" the system by not getting married because it means more cash in their pocket. I could tell you many anecdotal stories of things I have seen personally of people on welfare with nicer stuff then I have, but, again, that is a blog for another time. The point of this diatribe is that these people are hetero folks, having kids, and unwilling to marry. More of those traditional family values.
    If there are two people who love each other enough that they want to make a marriage commitment (and in many cases are willing to fight for it) I think that is a wonderful thing and if they happen to be a same sex couple, so be it. Its a nicer trend then some of the trends we have seen with hetero-sexual couples. I dont want to see them kissing in public or anything, but to be fair, I don't want to see that from any couple! And besides, if they live next to you, you know their home and yard will be immaculate! And lets face it ... thats all we really want in life is good neighbors! For the record I have been with my wife for 12 years now and we are still going strong, and I am pretty sure no matter how many gay couples get together now and in the future, it won't affect my marriage in the slightest.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A brief Introduction

     My name is Ray and yes, the name of my Blog is meant to be a double entendre. Not only do I consider myself "right" in most arguments, but politically my views are generally Right of Center. Now, I cannot progress any further without explaining the term "Right" as I live it. When someone says the term "Right Wing" it usually invokes an image of a "Bible Thumping" Conservative or a gun toting "Redneck." Although I respect all groups to live as they see fit, those images definitely do not apply to me. I identify more with groups like the Tea Party or Libertarians as I see government as a hinderance to prosperity, not the creator of it. In the words of Ronald Regan ...

         "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

     I may be naive or old-fashioned but I still believe in a country where if everyone pulls their weight, the government creates an atmosphere that encourage business and people are willing to work hard you can still carve out a nice life for yourself.

     I believe in smaller government. I believe in limited entitlements. I believe in "real" Capitolism where companies are free to succeed or fail based on their merits, not government picking the winners.  "I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. "

      Ok, admittedly I slipped into "Bull Durham" there at the end, but you get the idea. I will post on here as often as I can to discuss topics in the news. I hope you all enjoy and I look forward to all comments. Agree or disagree its fine, just be respectful ... if the best arguement you can come up with is to name call then you probably don't have an argument at all and I don't want to hear from someone who can't even explain their position like an adult!