Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Union Communists?

      I am still trying to get my inside sources to give me the inside scoop on the recent "card check" criminal abusing of Home Daycare workers by the Malloy Administration and the SIEU Connecticut Governor Enacts Card Check Through Executive Order ... but in the meantime I keep hearing more and more stories about various Unions across the country and I must say, the stories are not flattering.
      I just heard a long story this morning from a former Pratt & Whitney employee from Connecticut about how not only are the Unions an obstacle to efficient and hard workers, but to hear the story you would guess it was somewhat built into the DNA of some Unions to systematically do as little work as possible. I have only come into direct contact with one Union in my line of work (Public Broadcast Union) but even then, the procedures you had to go through to accomplish the simplest task was obviously counter-productive.
    I would expand upon the anecdotal evidence that many Unions don't care about the company/government they work for, but a recent trend has caught my eye in my research that is even more disturbing then some lazy Union folks. It seems some Unions will walk hand-in-hand with Communist groups? Didn't we spend most of the 1950's hunting down and rooting out anything even suspected of having Communist ties? And this is "Progressive?" I could explain the story but the pictures from the SEIU march last May say more then I ever could SEIU drops mask, goes full commie.
   Enjoy the pictures. And as always, if there are people out there with positive Union stories, write to me and let me know, as I can't believe they are all bad (are they?)

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