Thursday, May 24, 2012

Attacking Capitalism?

    Capitalism ... "true" Capitalism (where companies are unfettered by Government and free to succeed or fail on their own merits) seems to upset the Left. Cries of "that's unfair" go up when talk of CEO vs. Workers pay scales are discussed. And while I cannot argue that a lot of CEO pay has gotten ludicrous, we still have a choice. If we think Apple CEO Tim Cook's pay is way too high compared to the average Apple employee (Cook Highest paid CEO) we have the choice to not use Apple products (funny though, I didn't see all those Leftie activist types in OWS throwing down their iPhones or Mac Books while decrying Capitalism!) What kind of choice do we have if the Socialist agenda progresses and the government runs everything? If I hate Coke I can choose not to use Coke ... if I hate my local Building Inspector, I have no choice. No choice means no freedom. And no freedom is no good for anybody.
    I am all for taking the Wall Street money out of politics, and perhaps fixing some bad tax laws (namely, the whole 6000 page tax code for starters) but attacking Capitalism as an idea is like saying you hate the front part of your brain. Go ahead, destroy them both and you will still live, but see how your quality of life changes. So here is a nod to those "evil" Capitalist over at Bain ...

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