Monday, May 21, 2012

Unions Part 1b-Dont Picket the Company, Picket your Democrats!

    Teamsters Local 1035 is on strike against Coca-Cola Bottling In East Hartford for their fourth day. "[Union Rep] Roos said the company now wants employees to share in paying the cost of their health insurance. The union wants to either maintain current health coverage with no employee premiums or get the $2.65 in raises they bargained away in the last contract." (May 17 Hartford Courant). What?
    Now, for full disclosure I am a Pepsi guy, so if Coke workers go on strike it doesn't phase me (maybe I would feel different if I couldn't get my Diet Dr.Pepper!) But re-read that sentence above from the Union rep. The Teamsters, which openly backed Obama's bid for election Teamsters Support Obama (especially after Obama promised to lift Federal probe into Teamster Corruption) are upset with rising healthcare costs?
   So let me get this straight Teamsters ... you pour millions of dollars and millions of man-hours of work into the Obama campaign, you get your wish and Obama is elected, he then enacts Obamacare which prompts insurance carriers to jack up rates (Obamacare drives up healthcare costs) and now you are upset with Coke because they want you to contribute a tiny bit extra to your healthcare which you have a direct responsibility for the raising costs?
   Wow! I am all for worker's rights but can you not see your own hypocrisy in this? You are directly responsible for rising healthcare costs but you dont want to have to pay any extra yourselves? Mighty big of you guys! Sad thing is, you will probably get your way, Coke will eventually give in to some or all of your demands and then you will take your Union dues and try and re-elect Obama. Gee, I can't understand why support for unions has been in steady decline:

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