Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Unions: Entities that exist to help themselves Part 1

    I have several friends in both public and private sector unions and I have never heard these words uttered "Thank god for my Union, they do so much for me I don't know what I would do without them!" With the exception of one friend who probably still has his job because he is union (sounds like a good thing but I will discuss why it isn't later on). There are many reasons why the numbers don't add up to Unions being for the Middle Class ... http://www.minyanville.com/businessmarkets/articles/wisconsin-protests-are-unions-good-unions/2/22/2011/id/32921 (This info is a little "dated" but still really telling). I will explain my own thoughts on the subject in several upcoming blog posts which hopefully will also include some inside information on the latest "card check" forced Unionization of home Healthcare and Daycare workers in the state CT forced unionization.
    This is just the intro, but let me leave you with a little "food for thought" ... if Unions are so great, and so helpful, why is the state of Connecticut forcing people who never asked for the "privilege" of Unionization, into Unions? And since the onset of government regulations on the 40 hour work week and safety groups like OSHA to protect workers in the workplace, aren't Unions extraineous at this point? Maybe, just maybe, Union leaders don't want "equality" and "Fairness" ... they just want their cut http://www.laborunionreport.com/portal/2012/04/union-corruption-report-march-2012/

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