Friday, May 11, 2012

Why Christians Should be for Gay Marriage

This is a heck of a controversial topic to start off my blog site with, but Gay Marriage is very topical at the moment so here we go. First off, in the spirit of full disclosure, as a man raised in the Catholic faith, I wasn't always this open-minded. I am not saying there is anything wrong with the Catholic faith (at least not in this post) but we all know some of the values and rules of the church haven't exactly kept up with the times and lets face it, can even be a tad hypocritical at times ...

   A little humor to lighten the mood. This comic is attributed to the great George Takei (but on the internet you never know) however it does a great job underlining how absurd certain concepts in the bible are to us humans living in the modern times. So when the "Bible Thumping" Conservatives come around quoting verse and scriptures and shouting about "Sodom and Gomorra" to make their points against gay marriage I cringe, and quite frankly, get the same queasy feeling I get when I see that scene from "There's Something About Mary" when Ben Stiller gets his "Twig and Berries" caught in his zipper! 
   The irony of this situation is, the same Religious zealots that are crying out for "family values" should indeed be tolerant at worst, and embracing at best of the idea of gay marriage! Here is my point ... first off, we all know the horrible divorce stats are in this country (if you need a reminder here you go So much for that "Until death do you part!" Heterosexual couples have already done a great job staining the sanctity of marriage already, but no one is out in front of Kim Kardashian's house with "Preserve Family Values" signs! (I hear she is going to be the next future ex-wife of Kanye West now). 
Traditional Family Values?

For the record, picking on Kim and Kanye is not a "black thing", I felt the same thing about her faux marriage Kris Humphries. Just thought I would mention that because people are very quick to play the "race card" these days ... too quick actually, but that is a post for another day.

    I can make a list of well known hetero folks who down-right spit on the "sanctity of marriage" and traditional family values but you all know what I'm talking about so I wont belabor the point.
    Still not convinced? Lets then talk about the growing trend of welfare cheats who live with their "baby-mammas" but do not ever get married because that would cut into their "free money!"
     Now don't get me wrong, I am all for helping out those who need money (temporarily) to feed their kids and pay their bills. But there are stories all the time of folks "gaming" the system by not getting married because it means more cash in their pocket. I could tell you many anecdotal stories of things I have seen personally of people on welfare with nicer stuff then I have, but, again, that is a blog for another time. The point of this diatribe is that these people are hetero folks, having kids, and unwilling to marry. More of those traditional family values.
    If there are two people who love each other enough that they want to make a marriage commitment (and in many cases are willing to fight for it) I think that is a wonderful thing and if they happen to be a same sex couple, so be it. Its a nicer trend then some of the trends we have seen with hetero-sexual couples. I dont want to see them kissing in public or anything, but to be fair, I don't want to see that from any couple! And besides, if they live next to you, you know their home and yard will be immaculate! And lets face it ... thats all we really want in life is good neighbors! For the record I have been with my wife for 12 years now and we are still going strong, and I am pretty sure no matter how many gay couples get together now and in the future, it won't affect my marriage in the slightest.

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