Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Stop it Liberals. You don't really want a "talk" about guns, you want a BAN. 
You are big on attacking symptoms, never putting in the real work to solve problems ...
• Have a poor person, hand them welfare! Don't try and fix out of wedlock babies or school drop out rates ... two of the biggest factors in poverty. That would mean facing real problems, much easier to just throw money at it.
• Have an illegal, hand them money! Don't fix borders, or e-verify work systems. Because then you would have to admit you are in the pocket of BIG BUSINESS that likes the cheap labor.
• Mass shooting? ban guns! Lets not talk about the media that you dominate which encourages violence against people you disagree with, a hollywood culture that glorifies guns, a gaming cult that worships violence, or a "pop a pill" drive through "psychiatric culture" that gives little real therapy (and even less detention of potential dangerous people) because then you would have to admit you get HUGE donations from BIG PHARMA and help them get richer through the over use of drugs.

I will not surrender my ability to protect my loved ones because you refuse to do any real work. I pray for those in Vegas and hope no more deranged Leftists cause anyone more harm.

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