Thursday, June 6, 2013

Liberal Hypocrisy

   I really cannot stand the lack of logic used by Liberals. If they truly had convictions, it wouldn't matter what letter a Politician had by their name, if they are wrong, you call them out!
   It may help explain why Democrats keep getting elected ... we hold Republicans to a higher standard, and are not afraid to call them out when they stray from the points they run on. Most Democrats seem to give a pass to "their guy" no matter what they do, and Obama's daily growing list of scandals is all the proof you need.
   Notice you don't see any anti-war protests anymore like we do when a Republican is in office? We still have military engaged in several places around the globe and are funneling weapons to Libyans (and probably Syrians soon) so Libs, where is the ire? Hated GW for crony Capitalism? Where is the outrage for Solyndra, MF Global, 123 Systems, General Motors? Yes, GM, when you prop up a company just to appease the UAW and do nothing to change what put that company in fiscal trouble to begin with, that is cronyism! Don't like the government spying on you with the Patriot Act? Obama extended it and then passed the NDAA and now we find out about them snatching all Verizon phone "metadata" ... so where is the vitriol?
   I have no time for hypocritical bunny-huggers who do not possess the basic intelligence level to formulate a logic argument and certainly cannot understand a logic point presented to them! Thus I continue the "Liberal Thinking" series!

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