Monday, December 3, 2018

Global Elites Demand Plebeians Give Up Their Cars

   Once Again the Global Elites are demanding the little people do as they say, but not as they do. For years limousine liberals have been jet setting around the world, buying up coastal mansions and telling us that the sea levels are gonna rise and we're all gonna burn up and die unless the average people give up their pickup trucks and haul their work gear in wagon powered by the wind.

   Ok, for the short-bus people, its hyperbole ... but honestly not by much. Since Al Gore sparked this latest craze of Global Warming hysteria (then promptly bought ocean-side property and sold his channel to oil barons) the Globalists have been trying to whip the rank and file into a frenzy so they can get them to do and pay any price as long as they, their Superiors, promise to save us Plebians from the threat of cheap fuel prices or something.
   Well it looks at if the hard working people of France have had enough.
You cannot tax people into not using fossil fuels when there are no alternatives. Perhaps Macron doesn't realize when you work outside a big city there are no fart powered buses or dream powered monorails to ride. The average folk in the suburbs and countryside need their vehicles to live. They need them to get around, they need them to work, and yes, they need them to deliver supplies to the cities which cannot survive without the people OUTSIDE the urban areas bringing food in. Not sure Macron and the other Elites realize how many TONS of supplies get driven into the cities each day, but I assure you, electric powered golf carts cannot get it there.
   We should all be good stewards of the planet, but maybe the TRILLION dollar price tag many Globalists would like to see in their hands would be better spent on R&D to make sustainable energy a reality. I for one would love to throw up a few solar panels and tell the electric company to kiss my ass ... but the reality is, "sustainable" energy is no where near ready for primetime.

Monday, November 13, 2017

American Dream

     Lets talk for a second about the "American Dream." I think the message has gotten lost somewhere in the never ending barrage of consumerism; the American Dream was never intended to guide you toward a life as a Kardashian. As a matter of fact, the American Dream was never meant to be a wholly material pursuit at all. From The Atlantic: 
        "In 1931, when writer James Truslow Adams coined the term “the American Dream,” it had more to do with idealism than material prosperity. The American Dream, he wrote in The American Epic (a book glowingly reviewed in the Atlantic’s December 1931 issue), was “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.”"  
         Richer and fuller ... according to ability or achievement, basically we are back to the root axiom that America was supposed to be the "Land of Opportunity." So what does that mean exactly to the modern day American? The true promise of America stemmed from generation born into poverty, and given a path to a better life, not even necessarily for themselves, but for their children. The true dream of America is that our sons and daughters will have a better life then we did. With that noble pursuit in their minds, our forefathers and mothers were willing to bear almost any burden. Long hours, backbreaking labor, many times even suffering through unsafe work environments. I still remember my dad telling stories of my German grandmother coming over to this country and working long hours in a sewing factory with 100 other women in conditions not much better then those of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire that killed 145 in 1911. I never asked her about it specifically, but I am willing to wager the main reason she labored so selflessly was the vision of the lives her two sons would live.
         So have "Americans" gotten more myopic in their view of life? Forgotten the long goal? Perhaps. There is certainly a big part of the culture that screams "Me, me, me, now, now, now" in a flurry of spoiled youngsters that would make Verruca Salt blush. But is it that simple? How about the ever increasing specter of "its getting harder to make a living?" Absolutely, there is an argument to be made that with increased tax burden, suppressed wages through excessive immigration, and companies leaving expensive States to do business. Ultimately I think the biggest issue is the level of expectation. You can't expect to flip burgers and have a home and ten kids. You can't expect to get a college degree in "Underwater Basket Weaving" and come out of school making $150k a year. You can't eat out every meal, buy $6 latte's, and always have the latest iPhone and then wonder why you have no money to get ahead. Expectations. If you are constantly looking over your neighbors fence, wondering what they got that you don't have, you will be miserable the rest of your life ... because no matter how much stuff you have, someone always has more. 
       So whats the answer? Better parenting? Sure, that would help. Lose the "Participation Trophies" and teach the next generation early how to appreciate the wins and learn from the losses? I am all in for that. How about turning off the TV and closing the magazines once in awhile that tell us if we don't have the coolest car, the Michael Kors bag, or the Rolex watch that we aren't successful in life? Big thumbs up to that.
      In the end I am not advocating to renounce all worldly goods and retreat to a Monastery somewhere. I like stuff, stuff can be good. But there is truly some wisdom to Tyler Durden's quip in the movie Fight Club when he said "The things you own end up owning you." But, fictional characters aside, I think the Buddha said it best.

 Ultimately, especially in the United States, if you have food in your fridge, roof over your head, running water, the lights turn on when you flip a switch ... life is not too shabby. If the essentials are taken care of, we are all free to explore the important things in life .... the rest is just stuff.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Stop it Liberals. You don't really want a "talk" about guns, you want a BAN. 
You are big on attacking symptoms, never putting in the real work to solve problems ...
• Have a poor person, hand them welfare! Don't try and fix out of wedlock babies or school drop out rates ... two of the biggest factors in poverty. That would mean facing real problems, much easier to just throw money at it.
• Have an illegal, hand them money! Don't fix borders, or e-verify work systems. Because then you would have to admit you are in the pocket of BIG BUSINESS that likes the cheap labor.
• Mass shooting? ban guns! Lets not talk about the media that you dominate which encourages violence against people you disagree with, a hollywood culture that glorifies guns, a gaming cult that worships violence, or a "pop a pill" drive through "psychiatric culture" that gives little real therapy (and even less detention of potential dangerous people) because then you would have to admit you get HUGE donations from BIG PHARMA and help them get richer through the over use of drugs.

I will not surrender my ability to protect my loved ones because you refuse to do any real work. I pray for those in Vegas and hope no more deranged Leftists cause anyone more harm.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What I think of when I see Liberal Hollywood et al kneeling in "unity." You know what is supposed to unite us Lib-tards? Things like the Flag and the Anthem!