Monday, January 30, 2017

Protesters are six years late.

Where were the protests in 2011 when Obama banned Iraq refugees for six months? Where were the protests when Obama basically ignored the slaughter of Middle East Christians throughout his tenure? Christians Left to Die

Monday, January 9, 2017

Liberals, why do you hate real America?

    Many people have attacked Meryl Streep for her rant on the Golden Globes, vilifying the President-Elect and Middle America. Some have gone so far as to attack her acting as "over-rated." I am annoyed at her rant, but will not stoop to the level of denying she is one of the greatest actresses of our time. She is a wonderful actress. But that is the point, she is an actress. These Liberal Hollywood elites quickly forget, that before radio and film, actors and musicians were considered some of the lowest rungs on the social ladder!

   I don't want to start to denigrate the arts. Acting and singing are true crafts, and within 30 seconds you can tell a good actor from a bad one. Lord knows in singing there is such a dearth of quality talent record companies keep bombarding us with hack auto-tuned artists that make me want to drive a spike through my head. But I digress.
   There is an inherent nobility in anyone who works hard to perfect what they do, and I applaud anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to excel at their respective field of endeavor, but end of the day, we need to guard against hubris.
    The greatest actor in the world does not cure cancer. The greatest singer on the planet cannot create a new technology to better our lives. Entertainment is an important part of our daily grind, but we did somehow survive as a species on this planet for thousands of years before "Hollywood" existed.
    And lets clarify once again, to Ms. Streep's comments, NO ONE IS KICKING OUT FOREIGN BORN PEOPLE! What is it such a hard concept to understand the difference between Legal and Illegal? As far as I know none of the folks up for a Golden Globe are ILLEGAL immigrants. Actually enforcing the laws of this country will not destroy the Hollywood acting pool. So lets be honest Hollywood, the only pools you are truly concerned with are the ones behind your house and who is going to clean them.