Wednesday, October 5, 2016


     I disagree with you. We have the beauty of freedom of speech in this country. That gives you the right to "protest" in anyway you choose. That same freedom is extended to people like me to say you are idiots. Despite my feelings on your disrespect of a country that has made you millionaires, it has worked, you have gotten attention. Even high school kids are starting to emulate your moronic behavior. 
     So the question I have for you is, now what? You are acting like petulant children, but you have the grown ups attention, so now what? I know the younger generation is really into the whole "slack-tivism" thing where you get some attention but don't really do anything beyond that, but come on? What do you got? Are all you millionaires getting together tocreate jobs in the inner cities? How about building more BOYS&GIRLS clubs so inner city youth have something to do besides join gangs? How about getting together for a PSA targeting inner city violence? How about you all take an inner city youth out of the city BIG BROTHER&BIG SISTER style? Colin Kapernick after this all started donated $60k to inner city kids for backpacks. That was nice, but lets be real, Colin donating $60k of an 11 million dollar contract is kind of like me putting a dime in the Red Cross cup! 
    Its nice to sit back and blame some unquantifiable, nebulous boogeyman like "racism" but we need more at this point. If you are going to accuse the United States of being a racist country, you need some proof. All these police involved shootings are unfortunate, but if it was such an epidemic as you claim, how come the only cases you publicize have plenty of gray area? The BLM movement started on a lie. Ferguson was burned. Trayvon was a thug, Eric Gardner was a thug. When white men, brandishing weapons and not listening to cops get shot (, no one blinks an eye. Why? Because us white folks believe what we feel about the black shootings, if you don't want to get shot, listen to the cops!If a man of any color is shot for "no reason" then lets look at the case and put that cop away for a long time, but the stats don't support your position:
   But you have every right to feel how you want to feel and protest whatever you feel needs protesting. Here is a suggestion though, maybe start with protesting black men who leave their families and their "baby mommas." Single motherhood in the black community has exceeded epidemic proportions and out of wedlock children is one of the most common factors in poverty in America.

So again, NFL players, now what? We are all waiting with baited breath so see what wonderful solutions to come up with to your perceived issues. I will just hold my breath now ...