Wednesday, March 2, 2016

2016 Front runners

Hey Gang,
     First off, let me start by saying we had a dream team full of people running for the GOP nomination this year. Sadly, many of the best have already dropped out, (or are soon to) and after Super Tuesday, we will probably be down to three.
     Illegal immigration and its effect on the American worker seems to be a huge issue this race, and i think it should be. Since the media seems to be all Trump, all the time, its up to us smaller bloggers and media outlets to make the case for anyone without their name on a building.
     I give you, Ted Cruz ...

To Donald Trump's credit, he did bring the issue of Illegal immigration and Syrian refugee location to the forefront of the discussion. Not only did he bring it up, but proved it could be a winning issue for candidates. Who would have thought, prioritizing American workers and taxpayers over foreign ones would be something people would appreciate (yes, that is sarcasm)!
      But because The Donald is the loudest voice, does that mean he is the only voice standing up for Americans? When Marco Rubio and his "Gang of Eight" put forth their proposed Amnesty for illegal immigrants, Senator Lee and Cruz were at the forefront of that fight. Cruz even proposed an amendment to the bill, allowing illegals to stay, but with NO WAY TO EVER VOTE just to prove the point that the Democrats just want brown skinned new Dem voters.
     What about Cruz's time in the Federal Trade Commission ferreting out cronyism and making sure the American worker got a fair shake? Or all his time fighting for the Constitution in front of the Supreme Court?
      Trump has flip-flopped on government run healthcare, Cruz has never waivered, and fought Obamacare tooth and nail, including a 21 hour filibuster, even when his party wouldn't support him!
    Trump is an admitted ex-liberal whose views have "evolved like Regan" ... but Reagan had many years in the California State House fighting for Conservative values before taking the White House ... Trump has been "Conservative" for about ten minutes. Trump has seemingly adopted some Conservative ideas (Like Ben Carson's Health Savings Plan) as recently as the debate cycle. While I can respect someone who is willing to adopt great ideas, even if they aren't theirs, I don't trust Trump who seems to adopt these talking points more for political expediency than actual admiration for the ideas. Even if it is true, he is willing to take these ideas on his own, his positions seem to "eveolve" so fast I fear where they will drift next. I would rather vote the man who has been crystal clear on the issues since day one in public life. Ted Cruz. I think PJ Media fill sin the details better than I could: