Friday, December 4, 2015

Prayers? We don't need no stinking prayers! We need Carbon tax!

        First off, my thoughts and prayers go with the families of all those involved. Yes, I said prayers (gasp). I am not overtly religious, but even if you are not religious at all, to attack those of faith who offer prayers is sick.
            In a prominently Christian country, in a city named after a fucking saint, you cannot offer prayers anymore without being attacked? The humanity is gone, and people still want to blame inanimate objects for the demise of civilization? The same people that would mock someone for offering prayers, which for many is a sign of caring about the person and wishing them well, would not blink if someone wished them "good luck." Somehow the abstract concept of luck, or fate, or even superstitions are allowed but if you put a face on some of these concepts like "God" you are a wacko? It's time to start putting the Civil back into civilization!
            Part one of the rant is now concluded. Part two has to do with our "leadership." The "Green tyranny" needs to be stopped. Obama and his administration are more concerned with "Global Warming" (or the more generic and conveniently named "Climate Change"), then terrorism? Really? People are dying, being shot, be-headed, and blown up and Obama is more concerned with Climate summits that do nothing and flying Syrians halfway across the world? You can make all the "gun control" quips you want Barry, but California has some of the toughest gun regulations in the country and they failed. And none of those laws cover the bomb factory the terrorists had either! Now Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz are demanding to see how these terrorists got into the country. If they find a smoking gun on your lax immigration and Visa systems can we talk about that then, or will you still blame a piece of metal?