Monday, September 22, 2014

Green Warriors

   I am willing to go on a little faith that most modern Liberals come from a place of genuine concern for the things they espouse ... its the lack of logic and thinking their ideas through past the first step that I cannot understand.
   Every position Liberals rally about, "women's rights", "global warming", "equality" they are just misguided. They all sound perfectly reasonable on the surface, "equal pay" for instance. Who can argue women should be paid exactly what men get paid if they do the same job? But when they purposely use faulty data, then encourage more legislation to jam through "equal pay protection" when equal pay laws have been on the books since the 1960s ... its just arduous to business.
   In Canada and other Socialized countries, maternity leave can be up to 2 years PAID. Sounds great right? Who wouldn't want to get paid for two years without actually having to do any work at the company! Problem is, not every company is a large multi-billion dollar company. Many smaller companies really feel the pinch of paying the woman on maternity leave AND their replacement. They are essentially paying double for one position! Many women even go from one child to the next all while on the company dime.
   60% of jobs actually come from small business, that is quite a burden on the smaller companies. That leads to one of two things, either companies have second thoughts about hiring women, or it leads to small companies getting swallowed up by large ones because they cannot afford to compete. Seeing as how Liberals demonize the Wal-Marts and McDonald's of the world, why do they try so hard to make sure there are nothing BUT large companies left?