It gets really tedious to hear Liberals bashing the Capitalist system and pointing to a few greedy CEOs as their example for why it is an evil system. I could go on a long rant about how much Capitalism has built in this country, but as you folks out there read this on your Dell or Apple computer, sip your Starbucks, drive your Fords, text on your iPhones, and go to sleep on your Sealy Mattress, you know what I mean.
The one thing I cannot understand, and I will leave you with this question, if most Liberals are so against the Capitalist system, why do they have zero issues enjoying the fruits of those labors? What I mean is, I don't see many large communes of Liberals living "off the grid" and shunning all the nice luxuries born of Capitalism. You mean to tell me Liberals don't buy Apple products and take their kids to Disney?
You can't have it both ways Lefties ... you can't rail against "evil" capitalism and then use their products. If you all start your own commune, use nothing from an evil corporation, and then tell me I am wrong ... then we can talk. Until then keep your hypocrisy to yourself.